Real Estate & Infrastructure Forum
Fiera Private Debt is proud to participate in the Real Estate & Infrastructure Forum presented by CAiP Virtual Series on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 from 1:45-2:15 PM ET.
The Infrastructure Debt Team will discuss the merits of private infrastructure debt with Marie-Noël Ouellet, Senior Director, Infrastructure Financing at CDPQ. The discussion will center on the non-correlated returns of private infra debt relative to the public markets, the stability of cash flow infra debt can provide and the protections it affords investors in the form of long term assets as collateral and strict covenant protection, among other things. The panel will also discuss trends and deal flow in the current COVID-19 environment and what we might expect in 2021.
Panelists will include Andrew Shannon and Paul Colatrella, Managing Directors at Fiera Private Debt and Marie-Noël Ouellet, Senior Director, Infrastructure Financing at CDPQ.
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